Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rereading that last, ancient post, this is quickly turning into a political blog. I don't really want it to turn into a political blog.
Oh wait, yeah, I am talkign to myself, aren't I.
See, that proves it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

On the various religious jerks out there.

I'm going to go straight to the point here: I hate preachers.
This does not mean the clergy member whose job it is, because that's only to people who already believe whatever he's saying. No, I have a problem with people who preach to people who aren't already a member of their religion.
That includes atheists, because you don't have any more proof then they do, really. Infact, you have nothing, while they have a book of dubious authorage that they claim proves their god. It's not much, true, but it's still something.
Back to the main topic, what reason could there possibly be for someone to preach to people who not only won't listen to him, they will actually resent him the more he preaches? You can't make them think the way you do, so why even try?
As a matter of fact, why even try in the first place? I refer you to the link I just added on the side, which should show you that the bible(/koran/book of morman) is a very bad book to give advice of any kind from. No idea why you'd want people to think that 14,700 people killed "for complaining" is a good idea.
I'll even go out and say that I respect very religious people's right to free speech the way I respect the Nazis right to free speech, assuming that they use their religion as an excuse to behave like the Nazis.
Which they almost always do, keep in mind that this is Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and their cronies I'm talking about here.
And don't even get me started about Fred Phelps.

Bush is getting smarter. I didn't know he could do that.

Has anybody else noticed that Bush is getting smarter?
You might want my evidence on this.
It's because he's NOT DOING ANYTHING! Because I would assume he knows by now anything he does he messes up. Especially wars. That's the only thing stopping him from going to war with Syria probably.
Back on topic, this makes it pretty hard for me to make topics to blog about. Bush is great for rants. Dunno what I'm gonna do without him.
As an aside, I'd like to amend that opening post. Lemme see if I can, I'm kinda new at this.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Man, I ramble

I just read my last post. I didn't know I rambled, but I did. Cool. Now I can bore people to death!
Ok, not really, because even though my last post had no structure to speak of, it was still sort of interesting. I really will try not to ramble though.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Opening Post

Ok, now that I'm over the writers block I'll talk about random stuff for a while.

Firstly, I research my politics(Nationstates forums mostly, on link bar. Name's sheni on there) instead of just being a Democrat for no reason. It can't be smart not to, because it's good to know WHY you hate Bush(and oddly, I don't hate him as much as most of the blind Democrats do) instead of just hating him for no reason. (I don't think it's possible to have a well reasoned arguement for liking Bush, but somebody might have one. One person. In the world.) Ok, I still do hate Bush

Second, I sort of know Hebrew. Not well at all, but it's still better then most of you guys reading this. Rather more helpful for debates then French or whatever, because you can at least argue about religion with this. (Although, if I had a choice I'd go for Japanese, cause I'm a video game nut.)

Third, I've noticed that it's impossible to win a debate on EDIT: Anything, but the original word was religion. I saw one that was won ever, and it was over semantics more then religion. (Someone posted saying he was an agnostic because even though he didn't believe in God, he still allowed the possiblity of It's existance. Everyone else argued that that made him a weak atheist, not an agnostic. They won)

Now, you may have noticed that I refered to God as It in that. It's because God has no gender and so "he" cannot possibly apply to It better then "it" does, especially since for living but nongendered things in English(and even some gendered things), it is used.

Nextly(hehe, nextly. I really am smarter then that shows, though , really.) I hate the word "whom". I could rant for hours on that, but I'll just say it's outdated and should have left English with hither, thither, and whither. If a part of grammer isn't intuitive it should leave the language and...
Ok, I almost did rant for hours on that. Sorry. I figure I'll stop typing now, as this post is pretty long as it is.

Oh, and by the way, if Jocabia is reading this, your link is broken. Please fix it, it's really annoying.
EDIT: He fixed it.